
FoodVillage funds and initiates market gardening projects for schools in developing countries: from building greenhouses to setting up educational programmes.

This teaches young children how they can grow and sell vegetables for themselves. How do we do this? By starting at the end. That may sound strange, but it actually makes a lot of sense. We embark on a project only once we are sure that it will be viable. The provision of knowledge and the right tools is central to everything we do. We stand for concrete plans and sustainable effects. Sounds ambitious? We hope so!

But for now we’re starting on a smaller scale, with the Githothua Primary School in Kenya.

We were keen to make good progress and to start a movement so that anyone who wanted to join in could get on board straight away. With the garden built and the lesson programme complete, we’ve succeeded!

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Jaarverslag 2021

Zoals u al van ons gewend bent willen wij op het eind van het jaar verslag uitbrengen van wat er bij onze lopende projecten in Afrika tot stand is gekomen en wat wij als FoodVillage met uw hulp hebben kunnen realiseren in 2021.