
Waar je het voor doet

Onlangs vonden we een prachtige email in onze mailboxen. De vader van een de leerlingen van de Masaku School is sinds kort lid van ons Keniaanse team en beschrijft wat FoodVillage voor de school en de kinderen heeft gedaan. En daar worden wij heel erg blij van!

“I am a parent at the Masaku School for the Physically Challenged, the PTA Chairperson and a new Board Member of FoodVillage in Kenya. I am beyond words of explanation about how FoodVillage has changed the lives of our children. Being a parent, apart from the other responsibilities, on a personal level I am grateful to God for bringing to us the FoodVillage organisation.

I can strongly state that the diet of our children has so much improved, and not only the diet but also that FoodVillage has waved some expenditure on cost of vegetables that were gotten from our local market. The most important thing to note is that our children feed on fresh vegetables directly from our garden, unlike before. When they got the ones in the market which are not fresh. The health of our children has therefore so much improved since no nutrients are lost from the vegetables, as it was the case during transportation before.

On behalf of the parents from the Masaku School, I want to say that we are very grateful to the FoodVillage organisation for changing the lives of our children. I wish to say "ASANTE SANA” (a Kenyan Swahili word meaning thank you very much). From the bottom of my heart, receive our sincere gratitude for being such a blessing and a friend to our school."

Benson Kioko Nzyoka
Parents Teachers Association Chairman
Masaku School for the Physically Disabled